This paper presents a novel probabilistic forecasting method called ensemble conformalized quantile regression (EnCQR). EnCQR constructs distribution-free and approximately marginally valid prediction intervals (PIs), which are suitable for nonstationary and heteroscedastic time series data. EnCQR can be applied on top of a generic forecasting model, including deep learning architectures. EnCQR exploits a bootstrap ensemble estimator, which enables the use of conformal predictors for time series by removing the requirement of data exchangeability. The ensemble learners are implemented as generic machine learning algorithms performing quantile regression, which allow the length of the PIs to adapt to local variability in the data. In the experiments, we predict time series characterized by a different amount of heteroscedasticity. The results demonstrate that EnCQR outperforms models based only on quantile regression or conformal prediction, and it provides sharper, more informative, and valid PIs.
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我们提出了一种基于图形神经网络(GNN)的端到端框架,以平衡通用网格中的功率流。优化被帧为监督的顶点回归任务,其中GNN培训以预测每个网格分支的电流和功率注入,从而产生功率流量平衡。通过将电网表示为与顶点的分支的线图,我们可以培训一个更准确和强大的GNN来改变底层拓扑。此外,通过使用专门的GNN层,我们能够构建一个非常深的架构,该架构占图表上的大街区,同时仅实现本地化操作。我们执行三个不同的实验来评估:i)使用深入GNN模型时使用本地化而不是全球运营的好处和趋势; ii)图形拓扑中对扰动的弹性;和iii)能力同时在多个网格拓扑上同时培训模型以及新的看不见网格的概括性的改进。拟议的框架是有效的,而且与基于深度学习的其他求解器相比,不仅对网格组件上的物理量而且对拓扑的物理量具有鲁棒性。
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We propose Panoptic Lifting, a novel approach for learning panoptic 3D volumetric representations from images of in-the-wild scenes. Once trained, our model can render color images together with 3D-consistent panoptic segmentation from novel viewpoints. Unlike existing approaches which use 3D input directly or indirectly, our method requires only machine-generated 2D panoptic segmentation masks inferred from a pre-trained network. Our core contribution is a panoptic lifting scheme based on a neural field representation that generates a unified and multi-view consistent, 3D panoptic representation of the scene. To account for inconsistencies of 2D instance identifiers across views, we solve a linear assignment with a cost based on the model's current predictions and the machine-generated segmentation masks, thus enabling us to lift 2D instances to 3D in a consistent way. We further propose and ablate contributions that make our method more robust to noisy, machine-generated labels, including test-time augmentations for confidence estimates, segment consistency loss, bounded segmentation fields, and gradient stopping. Experimental results validate our approach on the challenging Hypersim, Replica, and ScanNet datasets, improving by 8.4, 13.8, and 10.6% in scene-level PQ over state of the art.
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We introduce DiffRF, a novel approach for 3D radiance field synthesis based on denoising diffusion probabilistic models. While existing diffusion-based methods operate on images, latent codes, or point cloud data, we are the first to directly generate volumetric radiance fields. To this end, we propose a 3D denoising model which directly operates on an explicit voxel grid representation. However, as radiance fields generated from a set of posed images can be ambiguous and contain artifacts, obtaining ground truth radiance field samples is non-trivial. We address this challenge by pairing the denoising formulation with a rendering loss, enabling our model to learn a deviated prior that favours good image quality instead of trying to replicate fitting errors like floating artifacts. In contrast to 2D-diffusion models, our model learns multi-view consistent priors, enabling free-view synthesis and accurate shape generation. Compared to 3D GANs, our diffusion-based approach naturally enables conditional generation such as masked completion or single-view 3D synthesis at inference time.
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热分析在不同的温度场景下提供了对电子芯片行为的更深入见解,并可以更快地设计探索。但是,使用FEM或CFD,在芯片上获得详细而准确的热曲线非常耗时。因此,迫切需要加快片上热溶液以解决各种系统方案。在本文中,我们提出了一个热机学习(ML)求解器,以加快芯片的热模拟。热ML-Solver是最近的新型方法CoAemlSim(可组合自动编码器的机器学习模拟器)的扩展,并对溶液算法进行了修改,以处理常数和分布式HTC。在不同情况下,针对商业求解器(例如ANSYS MAPDL)以及最新的ML基线UNET验证了所提出的方法,以证明其增强的准确性,可伸缩性和概括性。
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ISO 14971是用于医疗设备风险管理的主要标准。尽管它指定了医疗设备风险管理的要求,但并未指定执行风险管理的特定方法。因此,医疗设备制造商可以自由开发或使用任何适当的方法来管理医疗设备的风险。最常用的方法,例如故障树分析(FTA),无法为计算风险估计有限或没有可用的历史数据或数据对数据存在二阶不确定性时提供合理的依据。在本文中,我们使用混合贝叶斯网络(BNS)提出了一种新颖的医疗设备风险管理方法,该方法解决了经典方法(例如FTA)的局限性,并结合了影响医疗设备风险的相关因素。提出的BN方法是通用的,但可以按系统的基础进行实例化,我们将其应用于除颤器设备,以证明生产和后期生产过程中医疗设备风险管理所涉及的过程。该示例已根据现实世界数据进行验证。
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为公平的ML问题引入了许多方法,其中大多数是复杂的,其中许多方法非常针对基础ML Moethodology。在这里,我们介绍了一种简单,易于解释的新方法,并可能适用于许多标准ML算法。显式降级功能(EDF)降低了敏感变量代理之间每个功能的影响,从而使每个此类功能应用了不同量的降级。用户指定脱水超标仪,以达到实用性/公平性权衡频谱中的给定点。我们还引入了一个新的简单标准,用于评估任何公平ML方法提供的保护程度。
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